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Strategic Objective 4 | A More Social Portugal

Supporting the improvement of skills and qualifications in the business sphere, in order to promote the adaptation of workers and companies to change, in line with the priorities established in the European Pillar of Social Rights. Overall amount: 400M€ Territorial Framework COMPETE 2030 is aimed at the least developed regions of the continent (NUT II […]

14 de June 2023

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Innovation and Digital Transition Program – COMPETE 2030 – stems from a requirement of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021, which establishes common provisions for the implementation of cohesion policy funds for 2021-2027 and ensures that the environmental and […]

14 de June 2023

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the use of the COMPETE 2030 website. The COMPETE 2030 website and all its contents are the property of the Innovation and Digital Transition Program (COMPETE 2030) and its content is protected by copyright and related rights, as well as industrial property rights, under Portuguese and European Union law, and […]

14 de June 2023

Structure and Objectives

Strategic Objectives As part of Portugal 2030, which embodies the Partnership Agreement established between Portugal and the European Commission for the application of cohesion policy funds (ERDF and ESF+) for the 2021-2027 programming period, the Innovation and Digital Transition Program (COMPETE 2030) has a budget allocation of 3.9 billion euros, to pursue the following strategic […]

11 de June 2023