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COMPETE 2030 supports Design Commit ‘24

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nuno Mangas, will take part as a speaker on the panel ‘Synergy and Strategy: Pioneering Innovation Through Design and Industry for Future Growth’, scheduled for 20 May at 12.30pm at the Altice Forum in Braga.

13 de August 2024 | News


What it is The European Commission approved the Innovation and Digital Transition Thematic Programme (COMPETE 2030) for the next programming period 2021-2027. Through this Programme, COMPETE 2030 has an allocation of 3.904 billion euros of European funds to finance investments essentially in the North, Centre and Alentejo regions, of which 3.504 billion euros are ERDF […]

23 de May 2024

The basics of publicity rules

If you are receiving support from COMPETE 2030, we have put together a set of rules and procedures to help you with the mandatory publicity. Communicating projects financed by European funds is both a duty and an opportunity. In Portugal, thousands of projects are financed every year with the support of European funds. These projects […]

23 de May 2024


Guide for beneficiaries | Setting up and organising the operation process In accordance with the provisions of Article 15(1)(j) of Decree-Law 20-A/2023, of 22 March, beneficiaries are obliged to have a technical and accounting file for the operation that includes all the documentation that accompanies its life cycle, from the submission of the application to […]

22 de May 2024

Structure and Objectives

Strategic Objectives As part of Portugal 2030, which embodies the Partnership Agreement established between Portugal and the European Commission for the implementation of cohesion policy funds (ERDF and ESF+) for the 2021-2027 programming period, the Innovation and Digital Transition Programme (COMPETE 2030) has a budget allocation of 3.9 billion euros to pursue the following strategic […]

22 de May 2024

The fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence

At COMPETE 2030's most recent “Good Conversations” event, we welcomed Eduardo Matos, from Microsoft, where employees had the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in this field.

18 de April 2024 | News

Strategic Objective 4 | A More Social Portugal

Supporting the improvement of skills and qualifications in the business sphere, in order to promote the adaptation of workers and companies to change, in line with the priorities established in the European Pillar of Social Rights. Overall amount: 400M€ Territorial Framework COMPETE 2030 is aimed at the least developed regions of the continent (NUT II […]

14 de June 2023

Strategic Objective 2 | A Greener Portugal

Pursuing the challenges of climate transition, supporting innovation through the decarbonisation of companies and energy efficiency and focusing on strengthening renewable energies. Overall amount: 815 M€ Territorial Framework COMPETE 2030 is aimed at the least developed regions of the continent (NUT II North, Centre and Alentejo). Structure and Incentive Systems In specific objectives 2.1 – […]

14 de June 2023