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Strategic Objective 4 | A More Social Portugal

Supporting the improvement of skills and qualifications in the business sphere, in order to promote the adaptation of workers and companies to change, in line with the priorities established in the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Overall amount: 400M€

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Territorial Framework

COMPETE 2030 is aimed at the least developed regions of the continent (NUT II North, Centre and Alentejo).

Structure and Incentive Systems

In specific objective 4.d – Promoting the adaptation of workers, businesses and entrepreneurs to change (ESF+)

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Qualification of Human Resources

To promote interventions that, acting on the side of companies, enable them to respond to the challenges of transforming the business fabric, both in terms of public policies for innovation, qualification and internationalisation, and in the area of the twin transitions (digital and climate), for which qualifications are central, in order to enable companies to adapt effectively, adjusting the development of skills to the needs revealed by the labour market.

Financial support: Non-repayable grants

Beneficiaries: Companies.

Last update to 8 de May 2024
