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INOV Contacto Measure

Ordinance no. 398/2023, of 30 November - Amends Ordinance no. 183/2015, of 22 June, which establishes the framework applicable to the INOV Contacto measure.

30 de November 2023 | Legislation

Strategic Objective 1

A More Competitive Portugal Support investment in research and innovation, digitalization, competitiveness and internationalization of companies, skills for smart specialization and industrial transition. Overall Value: 2567 M€ Territorial Framework COMPETE 2030 targets the less developed regions of the Mainland (NUT II do Norte, Centro and Alentejo). Incentive structure and systems To achieve its strategic objectives, […]

14 de June 2023

COMPETE 2030 Monitoring Committee meets in Alentejo

On the 23rd and 24th of October, the Alentejo region hosted the 4th Meeting of the COMPETE 2030 Monitoring Committee. This meeting sought to strengthen dialogue and collaboration, boosting the development of initiatives co-financed by the Programme.

6 de December 2024 | News

Structure and Objectives

Strategic Objectives As part of Portugal 2030, which embodies the Partnership Agreement established between Portugal and the European Commission for the application of cohesion policy funds (ERDF and ESF+) for the 2021-2027 programming period, the Innovation and Digital Transition Program (COMPETE 2030) has a budget allocation of 3.9 billion euros, to pursue the following strategic […]

11 de June 2023