Strategic Objective 2 | A Greener Portugal
Pursuing the challenges of climate transition, supporting innovation through the decarbonisation of companies and energy efficiency and focusing on strengthening renewable energies.
Overall amount: 815 M€

Territorial Framework
COMPETE 2030 is aimed at the least developed regions of the continent (NUT II North, Centre and Alentejo).
Structure and Incentive Systems
In specific objectives 2.1 – Promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (ERDF) and 2.2. Promote renewable energies

Climate and Energy Transition
Accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and strengthen business competitiveness by stimulating the decarbonisation of economic activities, energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promoting environmental and economic sustainability;
Support the diversification of renewable energy production from sources and technologies that are not sufficiently widespread in the market.
Financial support: Non-repayable grants
Beneficiaries: Companies
Last update to 8 de May 2024