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39.3 M€ to promote innovation in the European Research Area

The 4th phase of applications for the “SIID - Internationalization of R&D - Industrial R&D operations on a European scale” call closes on September 30th at 7pm.

2 de October 2024 | Notícias

The 4th phase of applications for the “SIID – Internationalization of R&D – Industrial R&D operations on a European scale” call closes on September 30th at 7pm.

The “SIID – Internationalization of R&D – Industrial R&D operations on a European scale” call, launched by COMPETE 2030, represents important support for the development and competitiveness of Portuguese companies. The 4th phase of applications closes on September 30th at 7pm.

The main objective of this call is to empower Portugal’s business fabric by increasing its global skills through innovation and technological progress.

The operations supported include industrial research and experimental development activities, which may lead to the creation of new products, processes or systems, or to the significant improvement of existing ones, promoted within the framework of the following European actions of the EUREKA Network:

– Cluster projects and EUREKA Network projects (including projects participating in GLOBALSTARS calls and Multilateral calls);

– EUROSTARS program, of the European Innovative SMEs Partnership of the EUREKA Network.


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as small-medium capitalization companies (Small Mid Cap) that meet the eligibility requirements defined by the specific regulation can apply. In addition, non-business entities from the research and innovation system (ENESII) can also participate as co-promoters.

Geographical areas and co-financing

The call is open to all NUTS II regions of continental Portugal, including North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve. The co-financing rate can reach 80%, depending on the region and the type of operation.

This call is a strategic opportunity for companies and research centers to strengthen their presence in increasingly demanding international markets, to access new technologies and knowledge, and to establish new strategic partnerships.

For more information and details on the application procedure, please visit the page dedicated to this call on the COMPETE 2030 website.

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