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In the most recent edition of “Boas Conversas”, COMPETE 2030 welcomed Jorge Carneiro, from Grestel, to talk about the Ecogrés 4.0 project, a finalist in the Regiostars 2024 awards.
In the latest edition of ‘Boas Conversas, organised by COMPETE 2030, the central theme was innovation and sustainability in the ceramics industry. Jorge Carneiro, head of R&D at Grestel – Produtos Cerâmicos, talked about Ecogrés 4.0, an innovative project that was among the finalists for the Regiostars awards in the ‘Green Europe’ category.
The importance of co-financed projects
Nuno Mangas, Chairman of the COMPETE 2030 Board of Directors, opened the session by highlighting the impact of projects co-funded by the European Union’s Cohesion Policy on the growth and competitiveness of the Portuguese economy. According to the chairman, projects such as Ecogrés 4.0 are an example of the potential of innovation to boost traditional industries such as ceramics. ‘Grestel starts from the principle of utilising waste from other factories, which is fundamental in a world where resources are increasingly scarce. In addition, they are geared towards very advanced markets, such as the US, and have a strong incorporation of knowledge, in partnership with universities such as Aveiro.’
Mangas also emphasised the importance of the national context in the project: ‘It’s remarkable that 90% to 95% of the equipment used in the Grestel factory is national, which shows a bold capacity to do things differently and to take risks.’
The Ecogrés project: Circular economy in the ceramics industry
In a conversation moderated by Lourenço Ovídio, from COMPETE 2030’s Communication Unit, Jorge Carneiro explained how sustainability and innovation have become central themes in the ceramics sector. Ecogrés 4.0, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, is a project focused on the circular economy and process efficiency, integrating waste from various industries to create ceramic pastes. ‘The differentiating element of this project is the production of pastes with more than 95 per cent waste and by-products from the internal process and other industries. The inclusion of waste from the metalworking and aluminium industries adds value to materials that would otherwise be discarded in landfills. This makes this project unique worldwide.’
Carneiro also emphasised that the partnership with the University of Aveiro was essential to the project’s success: ‘With the University’s scientific support, we were able to create something truly innovative, not only in terms of ceramic pastes, but also in energy efficiency and sustainability solutions.’
International recognition: Finalist in the Regiostars 2024 awards
Ecogrés 4.0 was the only Portuguese project to be shortlisted in the ‘Green Europe’ category of the prestigious Regiostars 2024 awards, which recognise the most innovative and inspiring initiatives funded by the European Union. This year, out of 262 applications, only 25 projects were selected as finalists. ‘This nomination is the European Commission’s recognition of the innovative value of the project that gave rise to the Ecogres – Cerâmica Ecológica factory, considered a pioneer in the area of sustainability,’ added Jorge Carneiro.
Ecogres factory: A global example
The new Ecogres factory is one of the most innovative in the world. As well as producing sustainable ceramic pastes, the factory implements various energy efficiency solutions, such as reusing hot air from the kilns, treating waste water and using photovoltaic energy. ‘Our aim is to replicate this model in other industries, not just ceramics, as it makes perfect sense as resources become scarcer,’ said Jorge Carneiro.
COMPETE 2020 co-financing
The Ecogrés 4.0 project was co-financed by COMPETE 2020 under the Incentive System for Productive Innovation, involving an eligible investment of 10 million euros, which resulted in an ERDF incentive of 2 million euros.
Future of Industry 4.0
Jorge Carneiro concluded the conversation by emphasising the importance of projects like Ecogres 4.0 for the future of industry. ‘The balance is extremely positive. We are already seeing results that correspond to what was planned and I believe that this partnership between industry and academia will enable the development of differentiating solutions that contribute to the country’s competitiveness.’
The session ended with an exhibition of pieces produced and commercialized by Grestel, showing the real applicability of the innovations developed in the project.